Too many microblogging already…?

June 16, 2008

Well actually,  I’ve been trying to ‘adapt’ to the micro-blogging culture lately and found quite a lot (?!) of sites. I tried to use few among them from the most popular micro-blogging site to the newly arrived ones like

Well all in the whole seem to give just one thing – the ability to publish your information in small quantities to the world + allow everyone else to ‘follow’ oneself. Of course, that’s what it’s supposed to do right? well then why so many? the answer is nothing but the usual one, while offers just 140 chars max texting with support for SMS, sites like is notable for it’s blog like structure with beautiful theme support (though I wouldn’t classify it under micro blogging, I just mentioned because it one of the sites I’ve started using recently). is also noticable for it’s direct and simple integration with lots of things: From text, photo to chat scripts, embedded contents, etc. Even twitter is using tumblr for it’s site updates.

I got an invite from my friend to which I started exploring. It has got geo-location integration, integration with share photo in other sites (like flickr, facebook, picasaweb). I didn’t try the mobile integration. It reportedly has support for high-end mobile phones, which I suppose will be fully utilizing the GPS if available in the phone.

One another set of sites which is not so surprising after seeing all these massive number micro-blogging site going online – is those which ‘integrate’ all such services in one place like

Some sites go beyond just their online presence and provide APIs with enable some quite wonderful applications like twhirl (for, These applications keep everyone in the micro-blog world hooked with others. Sometimes I get this strange feeling that such apps are just more advanced form the instant messengers. 🙂 Have to mention the recent integration of such micro-blogging service into the multi-protocol instant messengers like Digsby, Pidgin.

Well all said, lets see how many such sites are going online further…

PS: I might have done justice to all the micro-blogging sites & utilities but I think this will just serve as an overview of this massive micro-blogging world! 😛
